Dr Jeremy Lipschultz
@JeremyHL Omaha, Nebraska
Professor & Director, UNO School of Communication, University of Nebraska http://jeremylipschultz.com

Noting that on 9/11 there were no #fb or @twitter to break the news: Watched Rather & Co. on #TV - #OBL #crowdsourcing#FutureOfNews

RT @ABC: RT @gma: EXCLUSIVE: Inside the compound #OsamaBin Laden was killed: Photo http://abcn.ws/jmVJnd | Videohttp://abcn.ws/lA9dpT #OBL

Congrats to @twitter sources ! - #OBL #crowdsourcing#FutureOfNews

RT @Poynter: 'Got him', 'Shot him,' 'Burn in hell,' 'Rot in hell' :#Newspaper front pages scream the news.. #OBLhttp://ow.ly/4L3cS

More RT @ABC: Exclusive: Inside the Operation That Killed Bin Laden http://abcn.ws/ma5H2W #OBL

@samdalsimer - Very interesting how @Twitter AGAIN took lead thru live tweets. #OBL #tornado

Midlanders ecstatic at demise: http://bit.ly/maERCy #OBL


RT @TVNewsLab: Osama news hit Twitter first but TV quickly rose to the occasion. Agree or disagree? http://ow.ly/4L2Ra #OBL

RT @HuffPostMedia: #Newspapers break out the huge headlines for Osama bin Laden's death #OBL http://huff.to/l3yE3n

@samdalsimer - Good morning in New York, sir.

@LanceUlanoff - Good morning!

#OBN raid was tweeted live -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13257940

Al-Qaeda's remaining leaders - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-11489337

AP: Inside the raid that killed bin Laden. #OBLhttp://apne.ws/l77ucM

"Justice has been done." RT @atompkins: JUST OUT: first look at Monday NYT front page http://cl.ly/6Nte

RT @BloombergNow: Crude Oil Drops Most in Two Weeks as U.S. Says Bin Laden Killed http://bloom.bg/lDalNh

RT @TechCrunch: Here's The Guy Who Unwittingly Live-tweeted The Raid On Bin Laden #OBL http://tcrn.ch/jHS3vN by @mikebutcher

RT @atompkins: LOTS of new details-tracking couriers to find Bin Laden http://on.msnbc.com/mxalEb

@aciurej - @reallyvirtual was tweeting about helicopters over head during the historic raid that killed #OBL

by JeremyHL
@andrewspooner The guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it @ReallyVirtual

by JeremyHL
►Here is life in Abbottabad 2 minutes ago http://twitpic.com/4s8nfqvia @eliingraham @ReallyVirtual

RT @SenBenNelson: Senator Ben Nelson's statement on death of Osama Bin laden http://1.usa.gov/k2tTsK

RT @ABC: Will Death of #Osama Bin Laden Trigger Terror Attacks? Intel Officials Focus on Possible Revenge Attackshttp://abcn.ws/l7Uyjd

RT @BBCWorld: Osama Bin Laden is dead: Full story and analysishttp://bbc.in/mwSZtB / Live coverage and reactionhttp://bbc.in/e29Rho #OBL

by JeremyHL
US puts embassies on alert, warns Americans of al-Qaida reprisal attacks for bin Laden killing http://suntm.es/jfol1O

Early morning reaction coming in from Kabul: "It will not affect the war in this region" -- Al Jazeera reporter

NationalJournal.com - TEXT: President George W. Bush's Statement on Osama Bin Laden's Death - Sunday, May 1, 2011nationaljournal.com/text-president…

by JeremyHL
RT ariannahuff Bin Laden announcement comes 8 years to the day after Bush's "mission accomplished" speech. #binLadenDead

by JeremyHL
My FB feed has been the busiest tonight of any time that I can remember. Twitter is totally blazing.

Al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden 'dead' -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13256676

POTUS: "Justice has been done."

by JeremyHL
Obama says U.S. had enough intelligence to take action. Says U.S. launched offensive in Pakistan today.

by JeremyHL
Bin Laden operation was done today by human ops team

by JeremyHL
Obama authorized the planning and attack and killing of bin Laden in a firefight #Obama

Compound deep inside Pakistan today in a firefight.

by JeremyHL
#Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion. Now we have to determine who did it, in which room and with what object.

by JeremyHL
CBS is reporting that OBL was "shot in the head" and the US supposedly has his body. Where are the details??

Usama bin Laden is Dead, Sources Say - FoxNews.comfoxnews.com/us/2011/05/01/… via @foxnews

Al Jazeera on Bin Laden: "He was basically on the run" for 10 years.

by JeremyHL
Osama Bin Laden was killed in a mansion outside of Islamabad, Pakistan, along with family members, CNN said.

Al Jazeera English: Live Stream - Watch Now - Al Jazeera Englishenglish.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ via @ajenglish

by JeremyHL
OBL was killed in a mansion outside of Islamabad, Pakistan, along w family members, says @CNN. Watch Obama live herehttp://bit.ly/kzB1Qz

by JeremyHL
I guess Joe Biden's in charge of getting the Powerpoint ready.

by JeremyHL
Threat levels around the world will be high. Al Qaeda is still in the game at this point. - NBC News

by JeremyHL
Mets' radio announcer on buzz in stadium: "I can't recall so much elation over the death of another person. Wasn't born when Hitler died."

by JeremyHL
And THIS is why Twitter is the future of news.

by JeremyHL
AP, Pentagon reports #OsamaBinLaden killed in a mansion outside Islamabad Pakistan #fb

by JeremyHL
#Breaking: Osama bin Laden disappointed that 27 virgins were not waiting for him.

by JeremyHL
Very important to figure out whether he was killed in Pakistan or Afghanistan. CNN says Afghanistan.

by JeremyHL
the donald pissed off about the timing of this announcement. celebrity apprentice interrupted for this news.

by JeremyHL
Signature statement - Bin Laden is dead! Headline around the world! @CNN

by JeremyHL
RT @geoff9cow: RT @lehmannchris: Donald Trump preparing impromptu news conference to take credit for Osama's death

by JeremyHL
Right now on Al Jazeera http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/OSAMA BIN LADEN IS KILLED BY US FORCES

by JeremyHL
That was quick! RT @latikambourke: Osama Bin Laden's Wikipedia page has already been amended.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden

by JeremyHL
RT @joecase: CNN/FOX News: "Osama Bin Laden DEAD!!

by JeremyHL
About to address the nation. Watch live: http://wh.gov/live.

CBS: Bin Laden is dead. @BarackObama to speak shortly.http://www.cbsnews.com/

“@sonearyetsowhat: Finally! > @CJ14News: RT @keithurbahn: So I'm told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn.”

White House Video: http://www.whitehouse.gov/live

@Chris Allen has a nice opinion piece in the Sunday Omaha World-Herald. http://fb.me/GMQy9tBi

@katieontheradio @ccooke6685 - December 1989, our first anniversary in #Omaha @CommUNO

by JeremyHL
RT @pfeiffer44: POTUS to address the nation tonight at 10:30 PM Eastern Time

@ccooke6685: @katieontheradio -- Yes, The Simpsons were a hot research topic @CommUNO in the 1990s.

by JeremyHL
"A free press is the immune system of democracy" - @CraigNewmark at #ActivateNYC

RT @Internews: Only 13% of all news stories focus on #women; 20% experts quoted are women @InternewsJeanne #comm8570http://bit.ly/lXMxjd

Great weekend! RT @borsheimsbrk: New post: #Buffett Says Sokol Episode Won't Hurt Him, #Berkshire http://bit.ly/jmepCE#brk2011

RT @Drudge_Report: Thug stabs group of deaf people thinking sign language was gang talk... http://drudge.tw/lYR24P

A Royal TV Rating http://huff.to/izqnka #jour3300

AP: Gadhafi's son had survived US strike in 1986. #Libyahttp://apne.ws/jI6c2a

AP: #Tornado victims seek comfort in Sunday services.http://apne.ws/jc30pE

AP: #NASA says no new launch attempt before next Sunday.http://apne.ws/lsQmog

We enjoyed this: http://plixi.com/p/97876176

by JeremyHL

by JeremyHL
@JeremyHL Hi Jeremy: I am conducting a survey on Twitter and politics. Would you consider giving me a retweet?http://tinyurl.com/3s98yfa

by JeremyHL
HOW TO: Create a Group Tumblr Blog - http://on.mash.to/jIbTwN

Seth Meyers: http://youtu.be/7YGITlxfT6s #brct4340

Cyber-stalking laws review urged -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/13200185 #brct4340

@BarackObama sends up #Trump ambitions -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13251819 #brct4340

Afghan 'boy' bomber blasts market -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13252786

'Tank fire' in #Syria protest city - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-13253914

UN quits Tripoli amid mob attacks -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13253896 #Libya

AP: Sunday in the South: Mourning for #tornado victims.http://apne.ws/iK35y2

@AWomansWork - Thanks! Enjoy Sunday!

@dpwrs - Have a great rest of the weekend!

NPR: Ham Radio Volunteers Worry About #Spectrum Plan#brct4340 @FCC-More at http://n.pr/kyCyhK

#Pigs have 'evolved to love mud' -http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9464000/9464994.stm

The royal World Wide Wedding -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13236856

#Buffett admits 'mistake' on Sokol -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13251237 #BRK11#Berkshire2011

AP: #Gadhafi OK but NATO strike kills youngest son. #Libyahttp://apne.ws/jnaT0U

Congratulations UNO School of Communication 2011 Omaha Press Club scholarship winners (Courtesy Howard K. Marcus).http://fb.me/Ksbizskz

RT @NormalcyBias: RT #Buffett admits error, says Sokol events inexcusable | Reuters #Berkshire11 reut.rs/iBzDdd via @reuters

#Buffett - #Berkshire Profits Plunge Due To Japanese Tsunami#BRK11 http://lsnlw.com/t/4022426475/

Warren #Buffett [video] took his annual #media walk at the#Berkshire Hathaway meeting Saturday. #BRK11http://youtu.be/oUnPYkxnyI8

@ControlledChaos - Yes, #Buffett today said a part of this he cannot understand, and may not 20 years from now. #BRK11

#Buffett comments on Sokol: http://bit.ly/jmCUNj #Berkshire11#BRK11

AP: Berkshire 1Q profit drops on insurance losses. #Buffett#BRK2011 http://apne.ws/lLyOUA

Nine #fb photo album "Warren #Buffett #Berkshire2011 Media Walk" http://fb.me/MuUimE9a

@CJEnoviso - international media swarm at #Berkshire11 with Warren #Buffett & explanation of Sokol insider trading claims timeline.

@ControlledChaos - SEC investigation of Sokol on insider trading allegations. #Berkshire11

#Buffett: Tech field "is going to be a huge field" - skills to pick winners will help in future. Munger: "or energy." #Berkshire11

Son Howard #Buffett as "independent chairman" of #Berkshire as "safety measure" after Warren is gone. #Berkshire11

by JeremyHL

by JeremyHL

Warren #Buffett at #Berkshire11 in #Omahahttp://plixi.com/p/97384091

#Berkshire11 @CommUNO Alumnus Matt Kelleyhttp://plixi.com/p/97372154

May graduate Kelley Alt at Berkshire lines http://fb.me/Ex30Oxof

Berkshireville! http://fb.me/TquHz4tF

#Berkshire11 lines forming! http://plixi.com/p/97342186

...is headed to Berkshireville!

Gold in new record of $1,569.30 -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13236837 #Berkshire11

#Buffett Could Face Tough Crowd At Annual Meetinghttp://lsnlw.com/t/2490935257/ #Berkshire11

Shareholders Celebrate With Concernhttp://www.action3news.com/story/14545113/shareholder-celebrate-with-concern

@Omaha_Places - Good morning!

Thank you to everyone participating in @CommUNOCommunication Week 2011! #CommWeek2011

UNO's Omaha Press Club 2011 Scholarship Winners!http://fb.me/UzGXL0Vk

#brct4340 papers focused on content regulation, as well as copyright law. #CommWeek2011

#brct4340 paper presentations at 2 pm

Sorry about the delay @BarbaraNixon @marybethhunt#nasatweetup

AP: NASA delays space shuttle Endeavour's last launch. #bummerhttp://apne.ws/mTgY0t

by JeremyHL
What fun! RT @BarbaraNixon {STS 134 NASATweetUp} @jeremyhl @missuslippy Here's a pic of me & @marybethhunt#nasatweetup http://post.ly/1xyEC

#ff @wtownley @BigOmaha awards @communo#CommWeek2011

Stanford faculty group votes to let #ROTC returnhttp://lat.ms/jkZcx6

NPR: In #Egypt, Libyan Refugees Find Tough Conditions-More athttp://n.pr/jfkPfE

AP: Survivors picking up pieces from deadly twisters.http://apne.ws/lUkzPn

Obama to visit storm-ravaged zone -http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13235808

NPR: Royalty, Schmoyalty: Revolting Against The #Wedding-More at http://n.pr/eOFjq7

DAN RATHER: ... And in Other News http://huff.to/iWElse#Comm8570

@wtownley - Enjoyed @BigOmaha awards presentation - Thanks for helping make it a great @communo #CommWeek2011

Stalking Via Social Media http://bit.ly/lF7lPi #creepy #brct4340

AP: Wireless carriers get consent to use location data. #brct4340#privacy http://apne.ws/kfeiEO

AP: Killer twisters likely among largest, strongest.http://apne.ws/kJdhHL
Noting that on 9/11 there were no #fb or @twitter to break the news: Watched Rather & Co. on #TV - #OBL#crowdsourcing#FutureOfNews
Mentioned in this Tweet
Always wondering what's happening.
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